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The Creator

My name is Natalie Meyers and I am the creator of everything seen on this website unless stated otherwise.  I am currently a graphic design student at Hopkins Highschool in Minnetonka, Minnesota in the United States.  I have only taken one other class that was focused on the creation of images through softwares on a computer.  I had taken other art classes in the past though.  I am more keen on inspirational and darker pieces when I am in the middle of creating images though I have done my fair share of more as some say "happy" images as well.  All the images I create are done with photoshop and all images used have been taken by myself as well.  I am a very big believer in originality and I try to avoid using other people's images as much as possible but being a student, there sometimes isn't getting around it when given an assignment. There is a limit to what I can create with my limist knowledge of the software.  

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